Red - Red roses are the traditional way symbol for love and romance, and also a representation of "I love you" in a time-honored way. The red rose symbolizes long beauty and love and is the best way to express your deep feelings to someone special to you.

Yellow - The bright, sunny colour of the yellow roses evokes a warm and happy type of feeling. These warm and happy feelings are normally associated to true friendships. Yellow roses symbolizes ideal joy and friendships.

White - White roses represents innocence and purity. The white roses are normally associated with marriages and new beginnings. It also symbolizes honor and reverence and is often used as an expression of remembrance.

Pink - Pink roses symbolizes grace and elegance. It is often used as an expression of admiration. Pink roses can also express appreciation and joyfulness. Pink roses impart a gentler meaning than the meaning of that red roses represents.

Orange - Orange roses represents the desire of enthusiasm due to its blazing colour. It is used to symbolize passion and excitement as an expression of fervert romance.

Lavender - Lavender roses are perfect symbols for enchantment because of its unique beauty and fantastic appearance. The lavender rose is often used to express love at first sight.

Black - Black roses practically does not exist. Normally, it is dyed to be black from the other original colours of the roses. Black symbolizes death.